As a person currently working on a TOP SECRET POSSIBLY MORTIFYING project, I applaud this transparency and wish you ALL POSSIBLE LUCK X

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THANK YOU! I feel like I leapt off a cliff and I’m just praying I can stick the landing

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Without (too much) vomiting

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18Liked by Katie Lee

You've absolutely got this Tara Bingbong! (Just throwing that in there as a suggestion - No credit required if you go for it!). Can't wait to read them and the build up to them! Nice work Geoff Wilcox?? xx

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After our conversation I’m still thinking Pamphlet is a great name. Ooh Pam Flett!

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Go go go go go Katie!

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3 months later and I still haven’t published a single book. It’s going brilliantly 🙃

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I’m new to your newsletter but I look forward to following along. I love your witty/funny writing style. 😅

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Mar 28Liked by Katie Lee

Angelica McClure has a ring to it

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Mar 28Liked by Katie Lee

But it’s good you’ve shared this, a braver ma’am than I

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It’s funny that all the names I come up with are nearly always Scottish. Maybe it’s the family blood calling to me through the generations.

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I'm excited to hear more about all of this!

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Never fear! I will be oversharing throughout 👍

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Mar 20Liked by Katie Lee


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So, this was my exact plan too, except I messed up and accidentally posted a photo of the first book on my regular Instagram rather than my author one and ended up outing myself as my pen name long before the books had a chance to make me rich. So now I'm just having to own that yes, I'm the author of these rapidly-released books, which has been... interesting. Anyway, no advice, really, but lots of solidarity and encouragement, and I'm really looking forward to reading more!

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Ah yes, the great Amber outing of two thousand and whatever it was! I remember it well! I missed the day it actually happened, but word spread around Shiny grapevine. I'm glad it worked out ok in the end, although I totally understand why you might have been a little diffident about it.

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Mar 19Liked by Katie Lee

Good luck and well done for completing them! I’ve tried and failed multiple times to finish writing a book, so I know how difficult is. Be proud of yourself 😊

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Thanks Susannah! It's typical of me that my only thought when I finished was "That took you too long."

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Mar 19Liked by Katie Lee

Good luck! I can't wait to read them!

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Thanks EJ! The feeling is ofc mutual. (Everyone should buy Emily-Jane’s books!)

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You can do it!!

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Let's go!! (After I've had a sit down).

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Mar 18Liked by Katie Lee

I think what you’re doing is brave and brilliant and I can’t wait to read your books!

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I was going to walk the dog, but now I am going to float on a cloud instead. Thank you!

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Mar 18Liked by Katie Lee

Loving your courage Katie. I’m someone who is kind and I wish you well ❤️

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God Lia, I LOVE YOU! I lied when I said I imagined a blurry face: I just imagine YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACE.

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I think you might be schizophrenic but in a good way. Goals are great and everything but allowing yourself to fail is an art form too. I was just telling my therapist about your adventures and the cat said if you could just merge into one state of being you would be more loving with yourself. Embrace your oneness Stagger Lee and the words will flow. Godspeed.

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